About me

Curiosity is a hunger to explore and a delight in discovery. I have my own quests, questions and challenges. Interests in devices made me choose Electroncis and Communication where I can get my hands on both hardware and software. I successfully finished these quests and got answers but completion is what I seek. More challenges.. Experiance.. Results..

My Style of work

Analyze a problem, break it, solve it and build it... Done.. It works.. Hard work. I belive in efficient and smart work. Planning the flow of work and then approaching it saves time. I am a Mom and hence proved..

What I seek

Now that my wait for EAD is over, I am entering the job search field as fresher with two years time gap due to wait for EAD. My strength and weakness are that I cannot rest or feel satisfied untill I complete what I started.I believe that the knowledge I have and the opportunities you have compliment both of our growth. So why not give it a try and cross the bridge....

Professional Experience


Visa Status: H4 EAD


New Jersey



Linkedin Profile

GitHub Profile